miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

About me

I don't know why did I choose to study Fine Arts, to make it sound dramatic I could call it a "hunch" haha but I really thinks that's the case. 
At the school I was always more interesed in the artistic area, more at dance than plastics, my atention went to this area more than the others classes. Also I have to say that my school has an artistic aproach and this helped me choose. 
I don't have the memory to say as a child "When I grow up I want to be.." mainly because I don't see myself working in a regular job. 
My other carrer options were study pedagogy in art, pedagogy in general and psicology. At the end I went for art.
My experiencie at the university has been fine, I met good people, my aquelarre my close met, learned to draw and to trust in myself :)
I would focus all my capacities helping others whit Art Therapy, working whit people in rehabs and children, maybe working at a school. 
But I don't know, the future is uncertain. 

1 comentario:

  1. I think it's great that you want to help people with your capacities! and the picture is very cute jaja
